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Articles (2000-2005)

Prior print, online, and other articles and columns

Exercise habits should start early. dLife - For Your Diabetes Life, posted December 2005

Finding the motivation to exercise: Tips to help you get and stay physically active. dLife - For Your Diabetes Life, posted November 2005

Working with athletes with diabetes. On The Cutting Edge (newsletter of the Diabetes Care and Education Practice Group of the American Dietetic Association), 26(6): 19-23, Winter 2005-2006

Exercise tips for avoiding the holiday blues: Controlling your weight and your blood sugars. dLife - For Your Diabetes Life, posted October 2005

Walking it off: Safe and effective aerobic exercise. dLife - For Your Diabetes Life, posted September 2005

Pumping it up: The benefits of resistance training. dLife - For Your Diabetes Life, posted August 2005

The fit diabetic: Living well with diabetes without weight loss. dLife - For Your Diabetes Life, posted July 2005

The benefits of unstructured physical activity: It counts, too. dLife - For Your Diabetes Life, posted June 2005

Get your kids moving, too: Prevention of diabetes in youth. dLife - For Your Diabetes Life, posted May 2005

Exercise in the sun - without getting too hot: Avoiding heat stress. dLife - For Your Diabetes Life, posted April 2005

Exercise as diabetes "medicine": Prevention and control of diabetes with exercise. dLife - For Your Diabetes Life, posted March 2005

Get moving: Tips for getting started on your exercise program. dLife - For Your Diabetes Life, posted February 2005

Exercise for a healthy heart. dLife - For Your Diabetes Life, posted January 2005

With open arms: Target your upper body. Diabetes Focus. Second Quarter Issue: 16-17, 2004

Exercise strategies to maximize glycemic control in diabetes. On The Cutting Edge (peer-reviewed newsletter of the Diabetes Care and Education Practice Group of the American Dietetic Association), 25(2):16-20, 2004

8 tips for exercising off the holiday season weight. Diabetes Interview, 12(12): 55, 2003

I'm motivated, but... Diabetes Interview, 12(8): 65, 2003

Flab fixers: Tone up those arms and strengthen your thighs using light weights. Diabetes Focus, July/Aug/Sept Issue: 16-17, 2003

Can you exercise wearing a GlucoWatch Biographer? Read on.... Diabetes Interview, 12(4): 40-41, 2003

Walk on! Diabetes Focus, Oct/Nov/Dec Issue: 16-17, 2002

Controlling diabetes with exercise. Bodybuilding (The Czech Republic), 2002 (Translated to Czech)

An injection of health: Exercise and type 1 diabetes. SportEX Health (UK), Issue 13: 12-17, July 2002

Exercising with an insulin pump. Diabetes Self-Management (, 63-64(Jan/Feb): 67-68, 70, 2002

If you exercise and use insulin, then "pump" it. Voice of the Diabetic, 17(1): 18-19, 21, 2002

Why I exercise (and why you should too). Voice of the Diabetic, 16(4): 1,3,12, 2001

Five things every person with diabetes should know about exercise. Diabetes Interview, 10(8): 52, 2001

Top tips to get the most out of your exercise routine. Posted on website at on July 17, 2001 (Listed as "Bonus! Tips for Exercising" to accompany Diabetes Forecast - Live! Edition #4)

Pumping insulin during exercise. Diabetes Interview, 10(3): 38, 2001

Using caffeine and creatine in your workout. Diabetes Interview, 10(2): 51, 2001

Getting high on exercise...but keep those sugars from going too low. Diabetes Interview, 9(2): 44, 2000 

Excelling with exercise despite diabetes. Old Dominion University's QUEST, 2(2): 22-25, 1999

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