TV, print, online, and more
All Media Interviews (2016)
Self Magazine (www.self.com). Interviewed by Korin Miller in “Rob Kardashian was reportedly hospitalized for a diabetic attack” about what a “diabetic attack” really is and what causes it, December 30, 2016
The Matt Townsend Show (Brigham Young University Radio, www.byuradio.org). Interviewed by Matt Townsend about using exercise as medicine to enhance health, December 15, 2016
Reader's Digest (www.rd.com). Interviewed by Cheryl S. Grant in “Exactly how often you need to get up from your desk to avoid disease” about combating the new "sitting disease," December 2016
eCareDiary (www.blogtalkradio.com/ecarediary). Interviewed on “Empowering Family Caregivers Blog Talk Radio Show” about exercise tips for seniors with diabetes, November 22, 2016
Healio/Endocrine Today (www.healio.com). Commentary about Reynolds et al. article titled “Timing of daily walks improves glycemic profile in type 2 diabetes,” November 16, 2016
USA Today, Diagnosis: Diabetes (http://usatoday-studiog.com/diagnosis-diabetes-2016). Interviewed by Cindy Kuzma in “Add intervals and strength training to your routine” about the best types of physical activity for people adults with diabetes, p. 22, November 8, 2016
USA Today, Diagnosis: Diabetes (http://usatoday-studiog.com/diagnosis-diabetes-2016). Interviewed by Cindy Kuzma in “Fight against falls with these exercises” about the best types of physical activity for seniors with diabetes, p. 24, November 8, 2016
Wellness Work Hub (wellnessworkhub.com). Interviewed in “Get up and move: American Diabetes Association makes strong statement” about new position statement on exercise and diabetes, November 1, 2016
WebMD (www.webmd.com). Interviewed by Robert Preidt in “New guidelines urge diabetics to move more” about new ADA exercise guidelines, October 26, 2016
Diabetic Living (www.diabeticlivingonline.com). Interviewed by Karen Asp about the importance of resistance training for people with diabetes and how to engage in it safely and effectively, Fall issue, p. 102-105, 2016
WebMD Diabetes at Walgreens (img.webmd.com/). Interviewed by Kara Mayer Robinson in “Time saver: Speed up your workouts with bursts of activity” about doing interval training safely and effectively with diabetes, pg. 9, Fall issue 2016
MedPage Today (www.medpagetoday.com). Interviewed by Kate Kneisel in "Regular physical activity reduces risk of type 2 diabetes” about an exercise study published in Diabetologia, October 22, 2016
MedPage Today (www.medpagetoday.com). Interviewed by Kate Kneisel in "Meta-analysis confirms exercise benefit for T2 prevention" about physical activity and T2 diabetes risk review and meta-analysis published in Diabetologia, October 21, 2016
MedPage Today (www.medpagetoday.com). Interviewed by Karl Nadolsky and Spencer Nadolsky in “Lifestyle medicine: Shorter exercise a HIIT for some patients” about my lecture on that topic at the American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions, July 18, 2016
Diabetes In Control. Interviewed on video by Steve Freed about diabetes and exercise benefits and what everyone should be doing for physical activity with diabetes, June 13, 2016
MD Magazine. Interviewed by Adam Hochron about lectures on exercise and living well with diabetes presented at the 76th American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions, June 13, 2016
Diabetes Dispatch (www.diabetesdispatchextra.com). Interviewed in “Keep moving, keep living to beat diabetes, Outstanding Educator advises during award lecture” about my ADA lecture, June 12, 2016
Healio/Endocrine Today (www.healio.com). Interviewed by Jill Rollet in “Exercise expert receives ADA’s Outstanding Educator in Diabetes Award,” June 11, 2016
Healio/Endocrine Today (www.healio.com). Interviewed on video by Amber Cox about about high-intensity interval training as discussed in a lecture at the ADA 76th Scientific Sessions, June 11, 2016
Endocrinology Advisor. Interviewed by Melissa Foster about my Outstanding Educator in Diabetes lecture given at the ADA 76th Scientific Sessions, June 11, 2016
ADA-TV. Interviewed for closed circuit TV distribution during the 76th American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions, New Orleans Convention Center, June 10-14, 2016
Lifescript (www.lifescript.com). Interviewed by by Diana Price in “Get fit at work with type 2 diabetes” about how to get up from your desk and get the exercise you need to stay healthy, June 1, 2016
WebMD (www.webmd.com). Interviewed by Sharon Liao in "Is It Time to Try a Trainer?” about what role a personal trainer can play in diabetes management, May 3, 2016
WIVC’s Caregiver Crossing Show (Indianapolis, IN). Interviewed with Dr. Serge Jabbour about getting moving with the AstraZeneca Everyday Steps program, April 30, 2016
KMTV (Omaha, NE). Interviewed by Mary Nelson with Dr. Serge Jabbour about AstraZeneca’s Everyday Steps program, April 12, 2016
CW6 San Diego (www.cw6sandiego.com). Interviewed with Dr. Serge Jabbour about AstraZeneca’s Everyday Steps program, April 11, 2016
The Examiner (www.examiner.com). Interviewed by Brandi Walker in “New program helps type 2 diabetes patients develop walking routine” about AstraZeneca’s Everyday Steps program, April 7, 2016
Melisa Source (YouTube video). Interviewed by Melisa Source with Dr. Serge Jabbour about AstraZeneca’s Everyday Steps program, April 5, 2016
KPEL 96.5 (Lafayette, LA (kpel965.com). Interviewed live by Derek Albert in “Everyday steps offers motivation to diabetics” about getting moving with the AstraZeneca Everyday Steps program, April 5, 2016
YES FM 88.5 (Toledo and Lima, OH. Interviewed live in “Everyday steps offers motivation to diabetics” about getting moving with the AstraZeneca Everyday Steps program, April 5, 2016
AZ Health Connections (www.perfscience.com). Interviewed by Meredith Hemler in “Why people with type 2 diabetes should start a walking program” about AstraZeneca’s Everyday Steps program, April 5, 2016
PerfScience (www.perfscience.com). Interviewed by Diana Bretting in “Diet and regular exercise can prevent diabetes and even reverse it” about being active, April 5, 2016
Wall Street Journal (www.wsj.com). Interviewed by Jen Murphy in “Managing diabetes risk with diet and exercise” about preventing type 2 diabetes and the importance of being physically active, April 4, 2016